Library extended opening starts Monday 27th April

The Library extended opening pilot will begin this Monday (April 27th) and run until May 28th. During that time the Library will remain open for 24 hours every day except Friday and Saturday nights when it will close at 7pm.


During the extended opening there will be no Library staff present, but there will be two members of security staff. Only automated services such as the library catalogue, self-issue machines, printers, photocopiers etc will be available, and there will be no IT support for them should they break down during the extended hours.


Students and Staff will be required to show their University ID card to gain entry, and there will be no visitor access.


Throughout this period which will act as a pilot, use will be monitored and students canvassed for their views on the service. This information will be fed into the new library project. More info about extended opening can be found on our website.


David Gardiner
Manager, Lending & Enquiry Services