Access to modules in WebCT

Modules for the majority of returning students will be added to your “My WebCT” page from 15th September. First year students will have their modules added around 1pm on Wednesday 17th September once the Student Programmes Office have completed the module allocation process.


If you do not see the modules you are expecting to see you must ensure you have completed both module registration and administrative enrolment. You can see the status of your enrolment process by logging on to the portal.


Once enrolment is complete your modules should appear in WebCT following the next student upload. During the first week of semester, students will be uploaded to WebCT overnight and around 1pm each day. In subsequent weeks this upload will happen overnight.


If you have completed both academic and adminstrative enrolment and your modules have not appeared in WebCT within 24 hours then you should contact the Information Centre ,  to resolve this issue.


This message applies to STIRLING CAMPUS students only.


Information Services