Journal Citation Reports – 2007 data now available

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provide a systematic and objective means of determining the relative importance of science and social sciences journals within their subject categories.  Particularly useful, JCR tells you which journals have the highest impact and have been cited the most. 


Each edition of JCR is published annually following the year of coverage – the 2007 data has now been released.  There are two different editions:  the Science Edition covers around 6,000 science and technology journals, and the Social Sciences Edition covers around 1,800 social sciences journals.


ReadingThere are a number of reasons you might want to use this publication, but if you are an active researcher the primary reasons are:

  • identifying journals with the highest impact
  • identifying journals with the greatest total cites
  • identifying journals in which to publish
  • confirming the status of journals in which you have published
  • identifying journals relevant to your research

The Library has arranged access to JCR via the University Portal. Within the Portal select the A-Z list of online resources link, then select Journal Citation Reports from the list.   A Guide on using JCR is also available.