Succeed will be unavailable on Saturday 14th January, 9.00-11.00am. This planned downtime will allow us to upgrade the file store on both Succeed and the database server.
Tag: Succeed

Turnitin Digital Receipts
Turnitin have advised us that their engineers are investigating the issue with receiving digital receipts for Turnitin assignments. If you are worried you can download a copy of your digital receipt by following these instructions: 1. Navigate to the assignment in Succeed. 2. Click View/Complete. 3. Click on the grey square download button (next to the […]

TurnitinUK Downtime for Maintenance – Saturday 5th November
We have been notified by TurnitinUK that due to planned maintenance the Turnitin service will be unavailable from 1-6pm on Saturday 5th November. Please be aware that no submissions or grading will be possible through this service during this time. We therefore advise that submission deadlines are set outside of this maintenance window. For further information […]