The next key date to note in the migration from v2 to v3 of Online Surveys is Wednesday, 31st July.
Online Surveys v2 will be discontinued on Wednesday, 31st July. If you have an open or scheduled survey in v2, you should ensure it is due to be finished before the closure date of Wednesday, 31st July. If not, please re-create the survey in v3 and close the survey in v2. You should ensure that you have exported any response data you wish to keep in good time before this date.
How will I log in to Online Surveys v3?
There are currently two versions of Online Surveys – v2 and v3. Please transition to Online Surveys v3 for uninterrupted service and access to the latest features.
Online Survey v3 uses passwordless login, a more secure way to authenticate. You will simply enter your v2-registered email address and request an authentication link by email.
Training and Support
To help your transition to v3, Online Surveys is offering an Online Surveys Essentials training session. This introductory session will demonstrate the fundamentals of constructing, distributing, and analysing surveys with the new v3 platform.
Sign up for Online Surveys Essentials
New features in v3
Online Surveys have recently released several new features including text formatting, answer piping, and much more. See the lastest Development Summary for all the details.
What happens to my surveys in Online Surveys v2?
Please note that survey response data will not be moved from v2 to v3. To avoid losing your data, we strongly recommend downloading anything you wish to keep by following these instructions on how to export survey data. If you have issues accessing or downloading data, contact
There will be no migration of surveys from Online Surveys v2 to Online Surveys v3. To reuse a v2 survey, you can export your survey structure and import it into v3.
You should ensure that you have exported any response data you wish to keep before the switch-off date of 31 July 2024.
Further, help and support
You can search Online Surveys Help and Support pages to familiarise yourself with how the new version works.
For more information on the migration including new features see Online Survey’s FAQs.
If you can’t access v3 please log a call to the Information Centre using UniDesk self-service.
If you do not have an Online Surveys account but would like one, please complete our Request an Online Surveys account form.