You said – We did

We like to think of ourselves as a listening service – we are always interested in your feedback and will do our best to improve our services based on your views. 

We regularly make changes based on feedback received through surveys, emails, social media, suggestion boards, conversations, and more. However you share your feedback, it helps us to improve our services, spaces, support, and resources.

Do you have feedback? Look out for the suggestion board in the library, visit the online suggestion board, email, or leave feedback via our UniDesk Self-Service Portal.

These are just some of the improvements we made in 2023 as a result of your feedback.

We’ll be sharing more improvements on our social media accounts. Follow us at:

One thought to “You said – We did”

  1. Please reinstate the 7250 help number for staff and ensure the emergency number is properly resourced and the number is prominently displayed in all teaching rooms. The current support system is time consuming.

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