The Information Centre partners with the Norman out-of-hours service to provide 24/7 library and IT support for University staff and students via email and LiveChat (LiveChat is available on the student portal).
If you contact us outside our main operating hours your email or LiveChat will be automatically transferred to the out-of-hours support team who can deal with a wide variety of common library and IT enquiries, including password and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) resets.
If you email us out of hours, you will receive an email from ‘Information Centre at Stirling’ rather than the usual Information Services email address.
Not all enquiries can be resolved out of hours, e.g., requests for new software, network issues, etc. If the out-of-hours service are unable to resolve your enquiry, a call will be raised and passed back to the Information Centre for investigation during normal opening hours.
The Information Centre and the out-of-hours support service can be contacted on our usual email addresses: (library) or (IT).
Our Self-Service option, to log and track your own request at (Ask IT) and (Ask the Library) will be responded to during our main operating hours.