Outlook Web App – countdown to your new student email system

The new student email system – Microsoft Web App (OWA) which is part of the cloud based Office365 solution – will go live to all students on Wednesday 30th January.


A pilot group which has been testing the new interface has reported no serious issues with the system and generally feedback has been very positive.


Here are some basic facts about the move to OWA and how it will affect you:


  • The change will affect undergraduate and taught postgraduate students
  • Your email address will not change
  • From Wed 30th January the portal link to ‘Webmail’ will redirect you to your new OWA mailbox and there will be a redirect on wwwmail.students.stir.ac.uk
  • All of your existing emails and folder structures will be transferred over to the new system
  • Your contacts/address book will be transferred over automatically
  • Any forwards that you had set up in SquirrelMail will be transferred over to the new system BUT YOU NEED TO CHECK THAT THEY ARE STILL WORKING
  • Any rules that you had set up will be lost and you will need to set them up again in OWA
  • You will need to reconfigure your smartphone/tablet to be able to access OWA on your iphone, Android device etc – this is usually very easy. Instructions are on our website at http://www.stir.ac.uk/is/student/it/email/#mobile (you won’t be able to do this until after the 30th January)


More info about the OWA system can be found on this blog http://blogs.stir.ac.uk/isnews/?cat=40 and also on the IS website http://www.stir.ac.uk/is/student/it/email/#office365