On Tuesday 27 November, Information Services is holding an event aimed at researchers to enable them to become more digitally literate. The event will be held in the Enterprise Zone on Level 3 of the Library
We are offering a series of sessions covering a range of skills and services: advanced literature searching; how to use technology to enhance your research profile; professional conduct, open access; Refworks and collaborative working.
The timetable is as follows:
If you want to attend this event please sign up via Succeed – Choose Learning and Development/My Learning/Researcher learning/Researcher development programme/Sign up for RDP courses
Lisa Haddow
please could you tell me will this info/sessions be available to view remotely ie Western Isles
hi Ellie, we’ve checked with the session organiser and there won’t be any VCF connections to view remotely but we are investigating whether the presentations can be recorded using Listen Again. This won’t work for all sessions as some are interactive but hopefully we will be able to make the presentations available after the session.