The Information Technology Use Policy aims to define what constitutes acceptable use of the University’s IT and to identify management responsibilities for the monitoring of the operation of the policy and the handling of incidents resulting from breaches. A revision of this Policy was agreed at the last meeting of University Court and becomes effective on 1 August 2011.
The most significant changes to the previous version are:
- New guidelines to cover data security when smart mobile devices are synchronised with University systems (typically email)
- There are additional examples of services and devices to clarify the scope of some aspects of the policy
- A reminder that you should not disclose passwords to anyone, including IT support staff
- New guidelines for dealing with social media incidents
- A reminder for service providers to consult with Information Services on new systems purchases or major upgrades
- General tidy up to cater for recent new, and changes in, legislation and to improve presentation.
If there is anything you do not understand it is your responsibility to ask the Information Centre to explain. Any breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action which may result in dismissal from employment or programme of study, or revocation of your authorisation to Use the University’s IT.
A copy of the revised policy can be found on the IS web site at:
Mark Toole
Director of Information Services